The Covenant
As children of God we have a covenant in place with God. A covenant is similar to an agreement, or a binding contract. By the Covenant of Grace, we are redeemed and liberated from our sins and former life of carnality. Yet we also have a part to play, even though we may not always think so. Our part is to love God, to obey Him, to follow His Word, to have no other ‘gods’, to lead holy and pure lives and to fulfil the Great Commission. It is in simplicity also to uphold the Ten Commandments. Jesus gave all His Blood for the Covenant, which ensures our eternal life, provision and protection. How often do we truly stand still and contemplate the Covenant? We often think of Jesus’ death and ascension solely in light of redeeming us from sin, yet His Blood was shed to ratify (sign or give formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, therefore making it officially valid) the Covenant. By our spiritual covenant, we are betrothed unto God, and we will one day celebrate the marriage with the feast in heaven. In this series of works, we look at the importance of the Covenant, and the absolute necessity to honour and uphold it. God is not one to be mocked and trifled with. He is holy, mighty and glorious. As His creation, we need to pay attention to Him, to His order, and to truth. May we worship Him and may we walk in His holiness as Covenant-keeping servants of the Most High.
Refining Discipleship
This volume of work may seem to some as being critical in assessment, others may even view it as judgmental, but the truth remains the truth no matter how we spin it. The truth is that there is a deep flaw in our church system or structure, and this flaw simply cannot be overlooked, dismissed or ignored. It is a discipleship flaw. It is so deeply ingrained in the traditions of the church that over time this flaw has faded in the eyes of leadership and congregants. Unfortunately, this is not a flaw that can dismissed, for this flaw impacts the integrity, function and heart of the church. What is the flaw? For 2000 years or so, the church has created an environment that has not been conducive or healthy for discipleship growth. The structure and the institutionalised nature of the church have created a hostile environment which has quenched the fire of discipleship. What is sad is how we have dismissed or ignored this critical flaw. Matthew 28 is not just about telling the world of Jesus, but being a disciple and making disciples.

Be not Moved
Look around you. It is getting dark out there. It is dark with demonic storms. The narratives of the world are dark. It is even dark in churches as apostasy is rife. Lawlessness abounds, and so do violence and wickedness. In a time of so much deception and hostility towards the Gospel, will you remain standing for Jesus? Will you remain on the Rock, not allowing yourself to be moved by threats, persecutions, or the glitter of fool’s gold? Psalm 16:8 is a confident and encouraging proclamation from the psalmist, King David. In this verse, he declares, “I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (KJV). Throughout the psalm, David expresses his reliance on and trust in God. To explain the meaning of I shall not be moved, we can use various metaphors. Imagine a firmly rooted tree, a house built on a strong foundation, or a courageous soldier holding the line in battle. We have strong confidence when we know we have support behind us. We can face life’s challenges knowing that the Almighty is with us. Yes, in such dark times, we must not be moved from God, or His truth, Spirit, ways, will or Kingdom!